Profile Fund 2023/2024 For consent | OOI
An important piece was discussed during the university council, namely the profiling fund. The profiling fund consists of different parts; part of this fund is used to finance students in a special situation, causing them to delay their studies, and the other part is spent on board grants. This profiling fund has been evaluated, including the system of board grants this year. Because the University is through their reserves, the University wants to adjust the level of the grants, which would not benefit student board members.
After a good discussion, during which we mainly emphasised the figures regarding the increase in student population versus financial matters, the study climate and recognising and valuing these board members, the Executive Board decided to take this piece back and review it.
Student Charter 2023-2024 For consent | OOI
Each year the university council is asked to approve changes to the ‘Studentenstatuut’ (Student Charter) and its attachment ‘Regeling Profileringsfonds, Financiële Ondersteuning en Bestuursbeurzen Tilburg University’ (Tilburg University Profile Fund Regulations, Financial Support and Management Participation Grants). In the student charter 2023/2024 only minor changes have been made, which are mainly textual, references to the WHW and duplicate information. Furthermore, the student board grant system was evaluated in 2022/2023.
The University Council gave unanimous positive consent.
Spring Marap 2023 For consent | OOI
The Management report Spring 2023 provides insight into the financial development from January to April 2023 in relation to the budget and what the forecast is for the entire year based on this development. This insight is provided at both the level of Tilburg University and the level of the individual management units.
The University Council gave an unanimous positive advice.
Revision Policy emergency response organization Tilburg University 2023
For consent | CFI
Tilburg University has drawn up an updated policy 'Emergency Response Tilburg University'. With the policy, they strive for a well-organized and adequate emergency response organization, in which it is clear at all levels what measures must be taken to combat an incident or calamity, to provide aftercare and to restore business operations.The current emergency response policy dates back to 2015. A recent analysis showed that the policy needed to be improved by making better use of evacuators, clustering buildings, and adapting the call
system. The shortage of ERO (NL: BHV’ers) capacity in educational buildings will partly be compensated by better instructing lecturing staff about their role and responsibility towards their group of students by evacuation the building. Recruiting enough emergency response officers and evacuators remains a point of attention, which is partly taken care of by including this task as a standard in certain positions (e.g., secretaries’ positions).
The University Council gave unanimous positive consent.
Redesign Model Education and Examination Regulations
For information | OOI
In academic year 2022/2023, the Schools worked in a joint project to redesign the Education and Examination Regulations (EER) and the Rules and Regulations model (R&R). Tilburg University has set the goal of arriving at one joint Model EER and Model R&R. It has been decided to start practicing with the model texts within the Schools as of September 1, 2023, "shadowing" alongside the established models for academic year 2023-2024. The goal this coming academic year is to move toward one final version Model EER and Model R&R that will be used by all Schools starting academic year 2024-2025. We look forward to the final version of the model.