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University Council 14 October 2021

Foto van schrijver: FrontFront

Opening Statements Parties

Today, we as the Board of Student Party Front 2021-2022, had our first University Council of this academic year. All parties gave their opening speeches. Tijs, our chairman, pointed out our goals for the upcoming year. For example, he addressed sustainability and the transition from online education to physical education.

Response to Initiative proposal on transparency and accountability in PhD-matters - For discussion

We have discussed the response from the Executive Board on the initiative proposal from the Independents on transparency and accountability in PhD matters. The initiative describes the need for more compensation for PhD students that participate in decision making. At this moment the registration to participate in decision making is low among PhDs. The Independents addressed that it’s hard to find PhD students to join the University Council or TiPP because it results in extra stress. Taking into account that the PhD process is stressful already, the Independents think that with extra time to complete their research the PhD students are more confident to participate in the University Council or TiPP.

Annual Report CvP - For information

The annual report includes numerical overviews regarding the number of doctorates that have been awarded, PhD programs and PhD candidates, duration and success rates and cum laude. In addition, it includes an overview of the decisions taken by the Doctorate Board. The annual report is published on the website of Tilburg University. The Executive Board shared the annual report of CvP for information. It displayed the balance between the PhD’s results in different faculties.

Any Other Business

The Executive Board also announced that the Cube wil be open from 10:00 until 18:00 in the weekends. Next to this Front asked why many lectures are still not recorded, while the equipment is available in the lecture rooms. The Executive Board responded that the faculties have authority over the recorded lectures.

Together with student party SAM we raised questions regarding physical examination. We asked the Executive Board if they have thought about a solution for students who cannot take their exams on campus, due to lack of housing or fear for Covid-19. The Executive Board believes that students will be sufficiently accommodated if they can still take the exams in the second period. We are not satisfied with this answer and will follow up on it.

Sam also addressed the Amnesty manifesto about the unwanted sexual behavior amongst students. The board responded that they are willing to discuss this and invited SAM to join the conversation.

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