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University Council 16 December 2021

Foto van schrijver: FrontFront

Strategy - For consent

This University Council, the Strategy for the next five years has been
discussed. In 2027, the University celebrates its 100 year anniversary.
The University has made a decision to formulate Strategy 2027 as a
core document that will guide the course to be taken by our university.
Main points within the strategy are:
  • The pursuit of high quality is the guiding principle for efforts in research, education and the way in which we give social significance to that research and education.

  • The university believes that digital sciences and social sciences and humanities are inextricably linked and that this has a direct impact on how we conduct our research, design our education and are relevant to society.

  • The University wants to create a mobility window, which should make it possible for students to do an internship, have an international experience or do a minor. This should be possible in every bachelor.

  • The University chooses to stimulate interdisciplinarity.

  • The University will set up academic 'innovation hubs' or workshops in collaboration with civil society organizations and external partners. The University takes the lead in organizing the social significance of our research in a number of selected themes.

  • Together with the faculties, the University is launching an ambitious program to improve the student-staff ratio.

  • The University is going to create a recognizable, distinctive, competitive and coherent range of lifelong learning opportunities with which the University will significantly increase the volume of postgraduate education.

  • The University chooses to continue with sustainability.

  • The University opts for a clear commitment to Blended Learning (the new standard) and flexible learning lines will become much more possible than at present.

  • The University is investing in (the security of) our information systems in order to modernise the current systems, make them even more secure and organise them more effectively in conjunction with each other and to achieve better management information and learning analytics.

  • The University has adopted the principle of scrapping a third of its internal rules and procedures.

The Executive Board will prepare a roadmap in which they will give a preview on which themes are the priority in the coming time and which theme will be developed when. In this way, the Executive Board will give a direction to the strategy document and the University Council can monitor it. This Roadmap will be spoken about in another University Council.
The University Council gave an unanimous positive advice.

Budget Plan & Headlines Budget - For consent & advice

This University Council we discussed the budget of the university. The following is a brief explanation of this budget and its main points. For more information on the budget feel free to contact us or come by.

Next year the university expects a total of 8 million for additional available resources. Those 8 million will be used for the benefit of:
  • Salary and price development.

  • The support of international students.

  • To compensate for the increase in costs due to the new CAO and the expansion of the BHV-pool.

  • Osiris.

  • The increased intake of students.

  • 1.22 million for the strategic compartment.

The University Council gave a unanimous positive advice.

Budget Request Strategic Funds - For consent

The Strategy 2027 and the Budget 2022 are submitted to the University Council simultaneously. Apart from that, the Executive Board plans to immediately start a number of strategic projects in 2022. Therefore, the University Council is asked for consent about a couple needed funds to start on strategic projects.
  • Application for strategic resources/bridging loan HR

  • Proposal to continue Innovation in Education, DEEP Projects, and support in 2022.

  • Support staff innovation hubs

  • Organizing school teams in a modern way

  • Continuation Digital Society Program

  • Program Management Strategy

  • Institutional research and analytics

  • Platform Digital Sciences for Society

The University Council gave a unanimous positive advice to all the budget requests.

Management Rapportage (MARAP 6) - For advice

The management rapportage provides insight into the financial development of 2021 up to and including August in relation to the budget, and based on this development, the prognosis for the entire year. This insight is given both at the level of Tilburg University and at the level of the individual administrative units.

The University Council gave a unanimous positive advice.

Provisional October 1, 2021, count - For discussion

The total number of registered students at Tilburg University is 20,284 per October 1, 2021. The overall number of registered Dutch students is stabilizing. Where on the other hand the number of EER (European Economic Area) students is rising. Tilburg University’s growth since 2016 also results in an increasing number of degrees. This increase is expected to continue in the coming years.

Adjusting Goal of the Refugee Projects Fund - For information

Tilburg University is a member of Scholars of Risk (SAR), an international Network organization that is dedicated to protecting threatened scholars and promoting academic freedom. SAR used to be part of UAF, but UAF has phased out of its role. There is a proposal that SAR will be affiliated with Nuffic. Tilburg University is asked to follow this proposal. The consequences are not in our favor. The first consequence is that the membership costs will go from 1000 euros to 5000 euros. The second is that most scholars do not manage to use the temporary position at an educational institution as a steppingstone to resuming an academic career but remain dependent on support and guidance. Lastly, most scholars add little to the academic discourse of the department that hosts them. This is why Tilburg University will refrain from participating in the SAR and Nuffic collaboration. They will keep the member fee at 1000 euros to support Scholars at Risk in protecting threatened scholars and promoting academic freedom. They will remain the Tilburg University fund of 100 K euros for refugee projects and focus on dedicating resources in supporting talented refugee/migrant scholars with an immigration status in the Netherlands.

Any Other Business

Student Party Front and Student Party SAM addressed the process and possibilities for the third examination option. The Executive Board responded that they are looking for possibilities together with the exam committees. They promised that they will send out a message with more information before Christmas.

Newly Submitted Initiative Proposals

Master Specialization - Front
Student Party Front submitted an initiative in this University Council on Master Specialization. This initiative proposes the introduction of course bundles in master programs, creating the opportunity for master's students to pursue a specialization in another area of study in addition to their own curriculum. Front has proposed that this specialization will be explicitly named on the master's degree, so it is properly recognized.

Memo BSA - Sam
This University Council Student Party SAM submitted a memo on the BSA. They propose to lower the BSA to 30 ECTS or to make the BSA nonbinding (advisory) for every study program at Tilburg University.
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