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University Council 20 October 2022

Foto van schrijver: FrontFront

Bijgewerkt op: 25 nov 2022

Opening Statement Parties

Today, we as the Board of Student Party Front 2022-2023, had our first University Council of this academic year. All parties gave their opening speeches. Suuz, our chair, pointed out our goals for the upcoming year. For example, she spoke about our 4 pillars: digitalization, internationalization, living campus and the active student.

Response to Front initiative proposal regarding Flexible Studying for Board Members - For discussion

In the University Council of June, the 2nd 2022, Student Party Front submitted an initiative proposal with the request to include student board members as a target group of the flexible studying policy. During this University Council, the initiative was responded to and there was room for discussion. An evaluation of the flexible studying policy will start in autumn 2022. Currently, flexible studying is part of a national experiment, which is expected to be anchored in the law as of September 2024. New policy will therefore also take effect from September 2024. The Board wants to await the conclusion of this evaluation before providing an answer to the request of inclusion of student board members in the flexible studying regulations.

Response to Front initiative proposal regarding ombudsperson for students - For discussion

During the previous University Council on the 15th of July 2022, Student Party Front submitted a letter to the Executive Board to establish an ombudsperson for students at Tilburg University. In this University Council, the Executive Board responded to this, and they were positive and sympathetic towards the proposal. The Executive Board does want to wait for the evaluation on the ombudsperson for employees before they want to initiate the ombudsperson for students. This evaluation will take place around the end of 2022/beginning of 2023. This means that it's too early for a full elaboration, but more substantive insights can be given.

Program new Sports Center - For advice

The University is working on the renewal of the entire sports facilities by the development of a new Sports Center. Still, a decision must be made as to whether all program components and facilities should be included in the new building. On the basis of several interviews with students, staff and a survey, the Executive Board presents different scenarios of programs. Each alternative is weighed, presenting the substantive and financial implications for both choosing or not choosing these facilities. The memo finally concludes that the choice will be made to take the full program as the basis for the design of the new sports complex, where two scenarios will be further developed. The development of the new sports center will also have further implications for subscription prices. Besides the development of new sports facilities, the new building will also focus on well-being facilities. With regard to student wellbeing, the University will gain more insight into which facilities could best land there. Finally, attention will also be paid to the central role that 'the third half' can play within the sports community. This will be further investigated, the findings of which are expected in the first half of 2023. The University Council gave a unanimous positive advice.

For information: Evaluation of PhD psychologist - For information

Following a 2019 initiative proposal by The Independents to appoint a PhD psychologist, the Executive Board decided on a two-year pilot with a PhD and experienced psychologist for the period April the 1st, 2020 to April the 1st, 2022. The Executive Board has now decided to adopt the final evaluation and decides to continue the deployment of the PhD psychologist for 0.5 FTE for a period of three years. We are glad with the decision of the Executive Board to continue the deployment of the PhD psychologist.

Overview changes in Program Overview Management and for consent Control Regulations - For consent

The Executive Board decided to regularly discuss the changes in the portfolio of education programmes that lead to changes in the Management and Control Regulations (MCR, Bestuurs- en Beheersreglement). The University Council is asked to agree with the proposed change of the Management and Control Regulations. All the parties gave consent on this decision.

Najaarsmarap 2022 - For advice

The Autumn Management Report provides insight into the financial development from January to August 2022 in relation to the budget and what the forecast is for the entire year based on this development. This insight is provided at both the level of Tilburg University and the level of the individual management units. Front raised questions about the NPO funds, concerning students who suffered from the Covid-19 period. We asked in what way our students will still benefit from these investments that will be made to reduce the adverse effects of Corona, since the spending of this fund is moved to 2023 and 2024.

The University Council gave a unanimous positive advice.

Sector Plan Corona; implementation plan - For advice

We have discussed the sector plan for the medium-term approach to Corona that was adopted on the 14th of June 2022. With this sector plan, a nationally applicable agreement has been made about the measures that are in force nationally. This provides a framework for what the measure entails and institutions have the opportunity to translate these in their own context and location(s) about how to implement the measures. Tilburg University has applied this plan to itself, and we got to advise the Executive Board on their plan with the focus on giving lectures, digitalization and examination opportunities. The overall advice was positive. Front voted positive as well, provided a clear regulation regarding missing an examination opportunity due to Corona is included in the plan.

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