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University Council 28th September 2018

Foto van schrijver: FrontFront

University Council 28th September 2018

House Rules and Charter

There has been a change in the General House Rules regarding non-permitted commercial activities on campus. From now on it is no longer allowed to use Tilburg University facilities for commercial activities such as tutoring. Furthermore it is no longer allowed to record lecturers without their permission or to sell these recordings. Front agrees that Tilburg University facilities should only be used for educational purposes but also wants to know if sanctions are applied and which sanctions are applied when the above mentioned rules are violated. The Executive Board has promised to look into this.

Self-Evaluation Report ITK

Every five years the University is accredited by the NVAO (Nederlands-Vlaamse accreditatieorganisatie). The Self-Evaluation Report describes how Tilburg University safeguards the realization of its vision of good education and how they are continuously working on development and improvement. Front made some comments in the OO&I committee, all  these comments were added in the renewed document, so Front advised positively on this document.

MARAP 2018 up to and including April

The Marap is the Financial Management Report that is part of the Financial Planning and Control Cycle 2018 and provides insight into the financial development during the year in comparison with the budget 2018. Front advised positively on this document.

Budget request Olympia

The budget request concerns two separate requests with regards to technical replacements. The first technical replacement addresses legionella problems, the second one focuses on solving problems related to the climate and the rainwater system. In the CFI committee meeting Front asked if students were informed about the legionella problems. Tilburg University stated that students were not infected by the legionella bacteria.

JADS Governance 2.0  

The governance structure of JADS was offered for discussion to the University Council. This document proposes the outlines of an improved governance for JADS as a whole. Further legal elaboration on this governance structure will follow through the establishment of a Common Arrangement for JADS Mariënburg.

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