Response to Front initiative proposal regarding Edubadges for Student Board
Members - For discussion
In the University Council of February 9th, 2023, Student Party Front submitted an initiative proposal with the request to show the universities recognition and appreciation for student board members by providing them with the digital Edubadges. Party Front asked the Executive Board to set up a working group who will work toward this goal. The executive board stated that they value the students who engage in a student board highly and believe board members are an indispensable part of our university. The Board invites Front to a meeting with both policy makers, and members of the Committee Board Grants and Stimulation Fund to discuss the possibilities for the described goals, and to explore in which way Tilburg University can answer the needs for recognition of the student board members.
Risico-inventarisatie & Evaluatie (RI&E) Tilburg University - For consent + For information
In 2020 and 2022, ArboNed conducted the RIE. In this study, the university was systematically assessed regarding working conditions, both for employees and students. ArboNed investigated which aspects of working conditions at Tilburg University do not meet the applicable requirements. These are standards and guidelines that arise directly or indirectly from provisions of the Working Conditions Act. Carrying out the RI&E resulted in a written report and a preliminary action plan drawn up by ArboNed, including suggestions for improvement measures. This was further developed by the Prevention Team into an action plan, which forms the basis for actions in the area of health and safety in the coming years. Some important issues for students that we have raised include mice in several buildings, including the library and the climate problem in the library. There are also some updates. From 1 July, students will no longer be allowed to eat hot food in the UB coffee corner due to mouse nuisance. To compensate for this, the Garden Room, initiated by Front, will open for students to have their meal there. We did ask the BoE to monitor the number of students to see if there is enough space, before and during the weekends of the exam period. Otherwise, opening the Mensa during weekends is the solution in our view.
The University Council gave unanimous positive advice.
(Voorlopernotitie) FIRMa 2024-2028 - For consent
The concept FIRMa contains the most recent financial estimates for Tilburg University for the coming years. It forms the basis for budget 2024 to be drawn up by the Schools and University Services in the coming months. Several bottlenecks were identified by the divisions. Based on the integral consideration, the Executive Board decided to address the following bottlenecks in 2023 and 2024:
Linked to the FIRMa, the University Council was already asked to give consent on some budget requests:
University Distribution Model (FIRM) adjustments and changes.
Policy priorities in education, research and impact including:
2a. New plans charged to faculty reserves for projects to which multiple faculty contribute financially for a total of more than m€ 1 during the plan period;
2b. New plans charged to the strategy compartment for strategic policy priorities university-wide;
2c. The study advance funds for the education quality agreements.
3. Investment Plans Housing (Long-Term Housing Plan component) and ICT.
The University Council gave unanimous consent with an asterisk that there will be a meeting where the Executive Board will explain further the decision-making progress behind the priorities being made and we will discuss it further.
Numerus fixus psychology - For advice
As of the academic year 2020-2021, a numerus fixus was installed for the BSc Psychology. TSB wants to re-install a numerus fixus for 2024/2025, because the number of expected applications is still very high, as it has been for the past years. The Faculty proposes to maintain the same number of admissions as last year: 700.
The University Council gave unanimous positive advice.
Update temporary expansion Sports Facilities - For discussion
Due to the crowdedness in the sports center, it had been decided to make a temporary expansion of the sports facilities. An estimate of €1.660k was made, which would create additional fitness facilities, more capacity for group classes, CrossFit, better waiting facilities for exams, and possibly padel courts. However, the results of the tender were too high making the business case not viable. This means that the desired temporary expansion cannot go ahead based on the current assumptions. In the short term, this means that they will go back to the drawing board.he board wants to have the plans for the expansion of the sports center realized by the end of the year.
We emphasized that the crowds at the sports center are still very high and it is important that an expansion does occur in the upcoming academic year.