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University Council February 6th

Foto van schrijver: FrontFront

University assessment policy (UR 2453) The University Assessment Policy consists of three chapters. The first chapter contains Tilburg University’s vision on assessment and ensuring assessment quality. This explains briefly and succinctly that, within Tilburg University, assessment is an integral part of the educational process. Chapter 2 discusses the assessment quality assurance. To this end, it is indicated which quality criteria are important at program and assessment level. In addition, the quality cycles, i.e., the PDCA cycles at all levels of the university, are developed in outline. Chapter 3 describes Tilburg University’s assessment organization and who bears which responsibility within this organization. This chapter also describes what competences are expected from all those involved in the assessment organization and what efforts are being made to increase the assessment competence of the various parties involved. We as student party Front are happy to see that the university is looking into this topic, since this was one of the points for improvement addressed by the NVAO.

Evaluation Labor Market Orientation (UR 2454) The last few years the university has been working on improving labour market orientation for students. The most important results are the appointment of CSO’s (Career Service Officers), the founding of the Career Portal, the inclusion of orientating activities in curricula and the introduction of new working methods in Student Career Services (by working together with study associations and faculties). The Executive Board has come to new recommendations based on this evaluation. The upcoming years, among other things, Student Career Services will be improved by focusing more on international students and alumni and by enforcing the internship coordination as a part of TEP (Tilburg Education Profile).

Front asked the board, after evaluating the document with student- and study associations, to involve them more actively in collaborations in the future since they can contribute a lot to students’ labour market orientation. SAM asked the board to start an investigation about internships possibilities and the problems students encounter.

Registration and tuition fees (UR 2456) This is the yearly adjustment policy of the Registration and Tuition Fee Regulation. This proposal has been drawn up in close cooperation with the schools, Academic Services, Executive Support, Marketing & Communication, and Finance & Control. The institutional fees are in accordance with the fees shown in the previous regulation (2019-2020), with the exception of the fees for the TSHD programs. TSHD will align their lower fees with the common fees for the majority of Tilburg University programs. For the joint programs on Data Science, the timeframe and the fees are in line with the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e). As before, the fee for TSHD Master’s program Data Science and Society (not a joint program) will follow the joint Master’s program Data Science and Entrepreneurship. Schools may opt to offer a student discount on the institutional tuition fee (waiver) based upon quality criteria. According to legislation, a weighted fee for pre-Master’s programs is limited to a proportionate part of the statutory fee (€ 2,143). The level of this weighted fee in a subsequent academic year is based upon the number of credits still to be earned by the student.

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