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University Council November 17th 2017

Foto van schrijver: FrontFront

In the Executive Committee of the 17th of November 2017, the decision has been made to remove the Strategy and IMPACT plan from the agenda of the University Council. Reason for this is the lack of support from the council to give consent. In February the Strategy will be discussed again.

Reaction Initiative Proposal Front: Talents with Character In our initiative proposal Front pleaded to expand the top sports status with entrepreneurs, coaches, artists and E-sporters. The board reacted positive on this proposal and is going to include this proposal within the evaluation of the top sports status.

Reactie initiatief voorstel SAM: Vision on Data In the initiative proposal ‘Use of data at Tilburg University’ SAM shares its vision on the use of data at Tilburg University. The party also gives several recommendations with regard to learning analytics, facility use and marketing. In the University Council Front expressed their concerns regarding the privacy of students on this matter and the negative consequences the use of data can have on the motivation of students. The Board told us the Dutch universities are working together on a new law concerning these privacy issues and will come back to us with a presentation when they know more.

Reaction Initiative Proposal Front: Towards a Student Centric Exam Preparation To prepare students for their exams in a good manner we asked the Executive Board to start a pilot with teachers so they can experiment with different ways of exam preparation for students. We think students should prepare their exams in a flexible manner. We joined a working group to start this pilot as a result of our initiative proposal. The results and our advice will be sent to the Program Board of the Digital Education Enhancement Program as a policy plan.

Reaction Initiative Proposal Front to establish a game room In the first place there seemed to be no room for the gameroom. In the end there was and for the next University Council we will receive a proposal.

Evaluation opening Koopmans and Montesquieu buildings during weekends Koopmans and Montesquieu buildings are now open during the weekend from 1 till 10 p.m.  This was decided in the evaluation of the pilot in which the buildings were opened during the weekend. Montesquieu building has 218 workplaces to study. However, only 15% of these workplaces are being used during the weekend.

Any Other Business During the Any Other Business we asked the board about the start of the working group on the harmonization of the OER and we received the answer that the agenda for the first meeting is set up. In addition, the board indicated to look into a solution for the WiFi in room P212 where Stimulus, SPS NIP and SBD share a room.

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